COVID-19 Resources

Focus areas

 Welcome to ICVA COVID-19 Resource Centre

This page provides information on guidelines, tools, statements, papers and useful links relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The resources are categorised around:

General Information 

Resources from UN, WHO, WFP, OCHA, UNCMRF, IATA, John Hopkins, LSTMH, CERAH, ICVA and Vaccine information
7 May 2020
General Information Resources on COVID-19 - United Nations
Subject/ COVID-19 /
Update - United Nations Global Humanitarian Response Plan on COVID-19 May 2020

The May 2020 update of the Global Humanitarian Response Plan to COVID-19 issued by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

1 May 2020
General Information Resources on COVID-19 - World Health Organization
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
15 June 2020
General Information Resources on COVID-19 - United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Resources
2 July 2020
General Information Resources on COVID-19 – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Subject/ COVID-19 /
22 June 2020
General Information Resources on COVID-19 – International Air Transport Association
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
22 October 2020
General Information Resources on COVID-19 - Johns Hopkins, LSTMH and CERAH
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
26 February 2021
General Information Resources on COVID-19 - Vaccine Information
Subject/ COVID-19 /

Humanitarian Coordination 

Documents and publications on COVID-19 from IASC, Sphere Standards, Community World Service Asia, CHS Alliance, Global Protection Cluster, and Camp Coordination and Camp Management
COVID-19 Resources
23 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Humanitarian Coordination - Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Resources
24 April 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Humanitarian Coordination - Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
28 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources around Humanitarian Coordination - IMPACCT
Subject/ Cross-cutting issues /
COVID-19 Resources
21 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Humanitarian Coordination - Sphere Standards
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Resources
18 January 2021
COVID-19 Resources Around Humanitarian Coordination - Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance (CHS Alliance)
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
9 April 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Humanitarian Coordination - Community World Service Asia
Subject/ COVID-19 /

Forced Migration

Resources from UNHCR, IOM, UN Network on Migration and Civil Society Action Committee
COVID-19 Resources
16 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources around Forced Migration - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Resources
29 April 2020
COVID-19 Resources around Forced Migration - United Nations Network on Migration
Subject/ COVID-19 /

Civil Society Space 

Resources from Association of Fundraising Professionals, Centre for Civil and Political Rights, Charter4Change, CIVICUS, ILO, ICNL, OECD, University of Oxford, Top10VPN, Trust Law, Geneva Call, Human Rights Watch, Save the Children and Frontline Defenders
COVID-19 Resources
24 April 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Civil Society Space - Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
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COVID-19 Resources
28 March 2021
COVID-19 Resources Around Civil Society Space - Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
18 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Civil Society Space - International Labour Organization (ILO)
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
22 April 2020
COVID-19 Resources around Civil Society Space - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Resources
20 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Civil Society Space - Top10VPN
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
20 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Civil Society Space – ACAPS
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
22 April 2020
COVID-19 Resources Around Civil Society Space – Civil-Military Coordination
Subject/ Civil-military coordination / COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
25 March 2021
COVID-19 Resources around Civil Society Space - Thomson Reuters Foundation TrustLaw
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources
11 March 2022
COVID-19 Resources around Civil Society Space - University of Oxford
Subject/ COVID-19 /

Communications and Community Engagement

Resources from Abestos, ACAP, ALNAP, BBC Media Action, CAN DO, CDAC, Centre for Sports and Human Rights, Connect, ELRHA, Frontline Defenders, Global Health Network, UNICEF and World Vision
COVID-19 Resources
3 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources around Communications and Community Engagement
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources

Inclusion and Diversity

COVID-19 resources around protection of older people and children, gender based violence and disabilities
COVID-19 Resources
1 March 2020
COVID-19 Resources around Inclusion and Diversity - Older People
Subject/ COVID-19 / Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /
COVID-19 Resources

HelpAge International’s six key messages for decisionmakers at global and national levels on protecting older people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Funding and Economic Impact

COVID-19 resources on fundraising efforts by various organisations to overcome the economic impact of the pandemic


A collection of statements and commentaries on COVID-19
COVID-19 Resources
1 March 2020
Statements and Commentary regarding COVID-19
Subject/ COVID-19 /
COVID-19 Resources

Learning Resources

A collection of learning resources on COVID-19 from reputable organisations and experts