PSEA Fund deliverables
16 December, 2021

Tammounde Speranza, Cameroon

Subject / Safeguarding_PSEA /
Tammounde image

Targeting 9906 women and 809 men from the IDP and host communities living in Zamaï et Mozogo, Tammounde Speranza  developed an awareness – raising radio spot in 3 languages, Mafa, Fufuldé and Haoussa, and printed and distributed 500 posters on PSEA prevention and reporting channels. The NGO also organised 2 training workshops, focused on elaborating key messages and reinforcing understanding of PSEA, with 60 humanitarian actors from 8 national NGOs and 7 international NGOs and 2 training workshops with 61 community leaders, including religious leaders, members of community committees and IDPs. The community workshops also established 2 PSEA community committees to continue PSEA awareness-raising and information sharing within their own communities and to channel SEA reporting at the community level. In addition, 10 focus group discussions with 211 women and girls and10 focus group discussions with 268 community members, including youth, women and IDP leaders, were held to discuss reporting mechanisms.

Tammounde Speranza developed:

  • radio spots in French, Mafa, Fulfulde and Haoussa to raise awareness on PSEA and on available reporting channels, targeting IDPs, women, girls, men and host communities. There is also a script and technical sheet in French
  • poster in French to raise awareness on PSEA and on the available reporting channels
  • a banner in French to raise awareness on PSEA and on the available reporting channels
  • an awareness raising campaign on PSEA in French
  • Focus group discussions on PSEA for community leaders in French
  • Focus group discussions on PSEA for women and girls  in French
  • Training module on PSEA for community leaders & humanitarian actors in French
  • Tshirt design