PSEA Fund deliverables
30 June, 2023

Femme Congolaise pour le Développement (FECONDE), DRC

Subject / PSEA fund deliverable /

Femme Congolaise pour le Développement (FECONDE)_DRC

Resources from FECONDE’s PSEA awareness-raising campaign include:

  • printed materials  (40 posters, 8 picture boxes and 80 flyers and placed 4 panels) in both French and Swahili informing about PSEA and available reporting mechanisms,  in strategic locations in Bunia, Marabo, Komanda and Mambasa.
  • radio programmes and radio spots in French, Lingala and Swahili, which reached more than 1 million persons
  • training for CBCM members and PSEA focal points among the affected populations, including IDPs, returnees and host populations, to share information about PSEA core concepts, safe procedures for reporting cases and reporting channels and to include them in the protection and prevention efforts against SEA.