Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Online Course

Welcome to this self-paced course on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

The course is to help you build awareness and capacity around diversity, equity and inclusion in the humanitarian sector.


About the course:

This course on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is thoughtfully designed by the team at One Future Collective on behalf of ICVA.

The course comprises a series of concise and informative videos for you to watch at your own pace. Take the time to reflect on and question the content. Additional readings and resources are available for further exploration.

Objectives of this course are:

  1. Develop an introductory understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion.
  2. Contextualiuse the importance of DEI within the humanitarian sector.
  3. Explore the future trajectory of your organization’s engagement with DEI and to develop a strategic plan towards for its realization.

Who is this course for?

This course caters to individuals at various stages of their DEI journey. Whether you are just starting out or seeking a refresher, the content will help you understand and reflect on your current position in the DEI landscape. Remember, learning continues beyond this course.


Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is integral to Transformation 4 of the ICVA 2030 Strategy. ICVA actively supports its members in the DEI initiatives by:

  • Facilitating information sharing on various DEI initiatives within the network
  • Investing in capacity building by enhancing knowledge on DEI including the promotion of correct language usage
  • Sharing tools for baselining and monitoring advancements in DEI
  • Promoting and disseminating good practices related to DEI
Watch the introductory video

Course overview

Module 1

Meaning and importance of DEI ...

What do we really mean by diversity, equity and inclusion, and why are they important and relevant to us?...
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Module 1 explores the meaning and significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), with a focus on understanding the fundamental concepts and importance of DEI. It breaks down each concept, emphasizing their interrelation. Diversity represents individual differences, equity ensures fair resource distribution, and inclusion turns diversity into practice. The Equity Diagram illustrates the difference between equality and equity. The module delves into the significance of DEI, discussing its impact on innovation, workplace culture, employee well-being, and organizational transparency.  Rationales for DEI initiatives include compliance, business case, human rights protection, and challenging power structures. The module stresses the importance of DEI for innovation, improved workplace culture, employee well-being, and organizational transparency. Additionally, the DEI continuum is introduced, outlinining various stages organizations may traverse in their DEI journey, from being aware to achieving sustainable integration.

Watch the video

Module 1: Meaning and importance of DEI

Reflection questions

Reflect on the following questions. Engage in discussions with your team, brainstorming potential insights, and documenting your responses.

  1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Your Organization: Consider how diversity, equity, and inclusion manifest within your organization, if at all.
  2. Position on the DEI Continuum:Reflect on where your organization currently stands on the DEI continuum and the reasons behind this placement.
  3. Moving Ahead on the Continuum:Contemplate what resources or changes would be necessary if you aspire to advance further along the DEI continuum.

30 November 2023
DEI Course Transcript Module 1
Subject/ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /
Module 1 screenshot

Transcript of the video Module 1 of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Online Course.

Module 2

Principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion...

What are the guiding principles of diversity, equity and inclusion?...
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Module 2 of the online course on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) explores guiding principles. It emphasizes principles like collaboration, recognizing biases, transparency, accountability, actionability, adaptability, empathy, and accessibility. These principles are essential for effective DEI initiatives within organizations, ensuring a holistic approach to fostering an inclusive culture.

Watch the video

Module 2: Guiding principles of DEI

Reflection questions

Reflect on the following questions. Engage in discussions with your team, brainstorming potential insights, and documenting your responses.

  1. Integration of Principles into DEI policy: Explore whether the principles identified resonate with your organisation’s DEI policy. If so in what specific ways?
  2. Enhancing Practical implementation: Envision steps your organization can take to more effectively translate these principles into practice.
  3. Identification of essential guiding principles: Reflect on any additional guiding principles you believe are crucial or that are already integrated into your organisation’s framework.

30 November 2023
DEI Course Transcript Module 2
Subject/ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /

Transcript of the Module 2 video  of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Online Course.

Module 3

Key Concepts of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion...

How do the four concepts of power, intersectionality, oppression and privilege intersect with each other and influence our approach to DEI?...
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Module 3 explores key concepts, starting with power and privilege. Power is defined as influencing decisions, while privilege involves unearned advantages. Oppression, rooted in injustice, maintains power. Microaggressions and violence are forms of oppression. Intersectionality examines overlapping social categorizations. The interconnected nature of oppression is emphasized, and the wheel of power and privilege is introduced as a reflective tool. Engagement tips include education, avoiding assumptions, using power responsibly, speaking up against discrimination, and embracing feedback for personal growth.

Watch the Video

Module 3: Key concepts pertaining to DEI

Reflection questions

Use  the  “Wheel of Power and Privilege” tool introduced in the video for reflection.  This tool is intended to provide a well-rounded understanding of one’s potential privileges and marginalizations. Individuals are encouraged to map their positions on the wheel by considering various identities and social locations, such as skin colour, formal education, language, body size, neurodiversity, and sexual orientation. The exercise aims to help individuals reflect on the power they may hold, both individually and within groups, fostering awareness and situating themselves in the larger context of diversity, equity, and inclusion.


30 November 2023
Wheel of power and privilege
Subject/ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /

The wheel of power and privilege is a reflective activity to map and explore issues of power and privilege in an intersectional way. It can be done alone as a self-awareness tool or in a group to highlight how different people might benefit from or be marginalised by systems in our society.

With thanks to Recipes for Wellbeing.

30 November 2023
DEI Course Transcript Module 3
Subject/ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /

Transcript of the Module 3 video of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Online Course.

Module 4

Situating DEI within the Humanitarian Sector...

What is the unique relevance and importance of DEI within the humanitarian sector?...
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Module 4 focuses on situating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the humanitarian sector. The module emphasizes understanding the unique relevance of DEI in humanitarian work, addressing challenges organizations may face in implementing DEI, and highlights the importance of translating DEI principles into action. The importance of DEI in fostering intersectional solutions, enhancing community representation, and addressing systemic inequalities within the humanitarian sector is discussed. Challenges include fear of speaking up, lack of trust in reporting mechanisms, limited funding, bureaucratic decision-making processes, diminished prioritization, and the need for ecosystemic interventions.

Watch the video

Module 4: Situating DEI within the humanitarian sector

Reflection questions

Reflect on the following questions. Engage in discussions with your team, brainstorming potential insights, and documenting your responses.

  1. $Do you think DEI is important for the humanitarian sector, considering the evidence presented and discussions held?
  2. Does your organization have any initiatives or actions related to DEI? Are there complaints or communication channels regarding DEI?
  3. Can your organization take additional steps to improve DEI? What would these steps involve, and what resources or support are needed to implement them?

30 November 2023
DEI Course Transcript Module 4
Subject/ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /

Transcript of the Module 4 video of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Online Course.

Module 5

Translating DEI into action for your organization...

What are the different activities or milestones when developing and implementing a DEI strategy for your organization?...
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Module 5 focuses on translating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into action for organizations. The module explores the challenges organizations face in engaging with DEI and introduces the DEI roadmap. The roadmap involves information gathering, goal identification, developing a DEI strategy, implementation, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. Common pitfalls in DEI initiatives are discussed, emphasizing the need for engagement, measurable indicators, and agility. The module concludes by addressing the support ecosystem necessary to sustain DEI efforts, including building motivation, resourcing, embedding DEI in organizational culture, and investing in learning and expertise building. The importance of sustaining DEI through integration with organizational vision, measurable goals, collaboration, and recording incremental success is emphasized.

Watch the video

Module 5: Translating DEI into action for your organization

Reflection questions

The DEI canvas questions aim to guide reflection on DEI commitments, encouraging organizations to articulate insights, set realistic priorities, and identify strengths and weaknesses for effective action.

Engage in discussions with your team to complete the DEI canvas.

  1. What key insights have you gathered from various stakeholders regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within your organization?
  2. What are your specific goals for DEI, and how do you prioritize them considering resource constraints.
  3. Identify the strengths and weaknesses in your organization’s current DEI practices. What areas need improvement, and where are you already excelling?
  4. Considering resource scarcity, what priorities are most feasible for your organization to address in the short term?
  5. When do you aim to achieve your DEI goals, recognizing the difference between immediate priorities and longer-term cultural shifts?

30 November 2023
DEI Canvas
Subject/ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /

Use the DEI Canvas to reflect on your DEI commitments, set realistic priorities and identify strengths and weaknesses for effective action.

30 November 2023
DEI Course Transcript Module 5
Subject/ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion /

Transcript of the Module 5 video of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Online Course.