Demystifying the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus

At the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, the UN and World Bank committed to a “new way of working” to transcend the humanitarian-development divide.  Since then, the concept has been considered in the context of UN reform and the “triple nexus” – the nexus between humanitarian, development, and – when appropriate – peace. Despite the many discussions, workshops and briefing papers, many NGOs and partners are yet to grapple with what this means for affected persons, the system as a whole, and NGOs.


ICVA’s third online Learning Stream will provide a better understanding on the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus. The learning stream will specifically provide NGO staff, including field, policy and HQ staff an opportunity to:

Topic One

The “Nexus” Explained...

This topic aims to provide NGOs and aid workers with a stronger understanding of the efforts to overcome the divide between the humanitarian, development, and – when appropriate – peace…...
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On 12 April 2018, the first session of the new learning stream on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, jointly organised by ICVA and PHAP was held. This webinar explored the concept of the “triple nexus” and how nexus thinking is influencing policy discussions at the local, country, and global level. Presentations were made by UN and NGO guest experts who provided their own perspective on working in the “nexus.”

The Nexus Explained

Listen and watch this brief introduction video on topic one.

The "Nexus" Explained: Learning Stream on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

The webinar explored how humanitarian action can contribute to development and peace efforts and considered some of the risks and challenges involved in changing ways of working and pursuing collective outcomes.

Topic One Resources

ICVA Paper
23 August 2018
Topic One Briefing Paper: The "nexus" explained
Subject/ Cross-cutting issues / Learning /
23 September 2018
Nexus Learning Series: Nexus explained - recommended reading
Subject/ Cross-cutting issues / Learning /
Topic one recommended reading

Nexus explained recommended reading

Topic Two

The World Bank and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus...

This session provides NGOs and others interested stakeholders with an overview about the shift of the World Bank’s role....
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On 24 May 2018, ICVA and PHAP organized the second session of the learning stream on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. The session explored the role of the World Bank when working in the context of conflict and fragility, and how their approach has changed since the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. The session also featured presentations from NGO representatives on how they are engaging in complex settings where the World Bank is working.



Topic 2 The World Bank and the Nexus

Listen and watch this brief introduction video on topic two.

The World Bank and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

This Webinar explored the role of the World Bank when working in conflict situations and fragile contexts.

Topic Two Resources

ICVA Paper
23 March 2018
Topic Two - ICVA briefing paper on the World Bank and refugees
Subject/ Forced migration / Learning /
23 September 2018
Topic Two- The World Bank recommended reading
Subject/ Cross-cutting issues / Learning /
Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 12.09.58

The World Bank recommended reading

Topic Three

UN Reform: The Link to the "Nexus" and what it means for Non-UN actors...

This session provides NGOs and others interested stakeholders with an overview about the UN reforms in relation to the nexus, and the implications for NGOs and humanitarian action....
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On 8 June 2018, ICVA and PHAP organized the third session of the learning stream on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This session explored the various UN reforms that are currently being rolled out in relation to the “nexus.” Thins include the repositioning of the UN development system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, the restructuring of the UN peace and security pillar, and the shifting of the management paradigm in the UN.

UN Reform: The Link to the "Nexus" and what it means for Non-UN actors

This webinar explored the various UN reforms that are currently being rolled out in relation to the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.

Topic Three Resources

23 September 2018
Topic Three - UN reform follow-up Q&A
Subject/ Coordination / Cross-cutting issues / Learning /
Topic 3

UN reform follow-up Q&A

23 September 2018
Topic Three - UN Reform recommended reading
Subject/ Coordination / Cross-cutting issues / Learning /
Topic three more information

UN Reform recommended reading

Topic Four

Perspectives of Peacebuilding Actors in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus...

This session explored how peace actors see their role in the nexus....
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On 19 July 2018, ICVA and PHAP organised the fourth session in the learning stream on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This session explored how peace actors see their role in the nexus – including both what humanitarian and development actors can learn from peacebuilding and how peacebuilding efforts can better work towards shared outcomes with other actors in the nexus.


Perspectives of peacebuilding actors in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus

This webinar explores how peace actors see their role in the nexus.

Topic Four Resources

23 September 2018
Topic Four - Peace perspectives recommended reading
Subject/ Cross-cutting issues / Learning /

Peace perspectives recommended reading

Topic Five

Donor Perspectives on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus...

An introduction of humanitarian practitioners to donor perspectives on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus....
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On 11 September 2018, ICVA and PHAP organized the fifth and final session in the learning stream on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. After having explored how the three main types of actors in this nexus view the current processes and discussions, this last session looks at how the actors behind a large proportion of the funding in these sectors are approaching the issue of how and to what degree humanitarian, development, and peace works should be coordinated and/or integrated.



Donor Perspectives on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

This webinar discusses donor perspectives on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.

Topic Five Resources

23 September 2018
Topic Five - Expert Interview on donor perspectives on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
Subject/ Cross-cutting issues / Learning /
Donor Perspectives

Find the Expert Interview of Sweden.

23 September 2018
Topic Five - Donor perspectives recommended reading
Subject/ Cross-cutting issues / Learning /
Topic five recommended reading

Donor perspectives recommended reading