Terms of Reference – Principled Humanitarian Action Decision-Making Guidance For Aid Agencies and Coordination MechanismsHNPW 2024: Session on Leading Well, Working Well, and Funding WellHumanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks

The HNPW 2024 will be held in a hybrid format from 29 April to 10 May 2024. The first week (29 April to 3 May) will be held remotely, the second week (6 to 10 May) will be organized face-to-face at the CICG in Geneva.

ICVA Statutes 2024Concept Note – 2024 UNICEF-NGO Consultations ‘Partnering for Children in the Climate Crisis’Agenda: 2024 UNICEF-NGO Consultations2024 UNICEF-NGO Consultations

To reach results for children, Partnerships are crucial to UNICEF and civil society organizations, including national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs) and academic institutions. Partnerships acquire a specific significance in humanitarian settings, where the challenges faced in delivering results for children are even more critical.

ICVA Annual Report 2023ICVA 18th General Assembly Draft MinutesConsultancy – Regional Information Management Advisor – Localization Barometer