ICVA member working groups

Focus areas

ICVA working groups

Open to members only, ICVA has a range of working groups that provide a platform for members to exchange information, communicate key developments in humanitarian operations and policy level work, and to identify opportunities for collective advocacy.


To ensure we bring the collective network voice to the focus areas set out in the ICVA Strategy, we encourage members to sign up for and participate in one or more of the ICVA working groups.

Forced Migration

ICVA Forced Migration Working Group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Forced migration

ICVA GCR mailing list

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Global Compact on Refugees & Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF)

Forced migration

Mailing list of Action Committee

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Humanitarian Coordination

ICVA IASC Working Group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Humanitarian Coordination

Humanitarian Coordination Working Group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Humanitarian Coordination

COVID Vaccine working group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Humanitarian Financing

ICVA Humanitarian Financing working Group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Humanitarian Financing

Donor Conditions task team

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Transformation 1: Champion Principled Humanitarian Action

Civil society space working group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Transformation 2: Address Impact of Climate Change on Humanitarian Action

Climate and environment working group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Transformation 3: Be Globally Distributed and Locally Rooted

Nexus working group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Transformation 4: Be Diverse, Inclusive and Live our Values

PSEA working group

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Africa Region

Africa mailing list

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Africa region

East Africa COPn

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Africa Region

East Africa IAWG communications

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Africa Region

East Africa IAWG NGO comms advocacy

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

Asia Pacific Region

Asia Pacific mailing list

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

MENA Region

MENA mailing list

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with

MENA Region

MENA NGO Fora List

Objective of ICVA engagement

Latin America and Caribbean Region

LATAM mailing list

Objective of ICVA engagement

Humanitarian actors or forums the group may engage with