PSEA Fund deliverables
30 June, 2023

Concern for Women and Children Development Foundation, Nigeria

Subject / PSEA fund deliverable /

Concern for Women and Children Development Foundation (COWCDI)

  • organised 19 Focus Group Discussions with women, men, girls and boys to raise awareness on PSEA and to build their capacity and resilience. In addition, the organisation developed a questionnaire in Hausa and English, an agenda as well a final FGD report.
  • conducted a rapid needs assessment to inform the program team on how best to implement the project with the rights-based approach that is needed to address the precise nature of SEA and developed an assessment report and survey.
  • produced a variety of printed materials in English, Hausa and Kanuri providing information on PSEA.  These included posters, handbills, banners and leaflets.
  • produced three radio jingles in English, Hausa and Kanuri to inform women, men, girls and boys on PSEA and available reporting channels. Scripts of these jingles also available.