1 April, 2020
COVID 19 Resources United Nations agencies
Subject / COVID-19 /
- UN - SG policy brief - Covid-19 and people on the move - June 2020 (English)
- UN- SG policy brief- Socio economic impact of Covid-19 - April 2020 (English)
- UN framework for the immediate socio economic response to Covid-19 - April 2020 (English)
- UN -SG policy brief- Human rights and Covid-19 - April 2020 (English)
- OCHA - Cost of doing nothing: the price of inaction in response to Covid-19 crisis - July 2020 (English)
- UN - Covid-19 MEDEVAC for INGO partners of UN And IASC - June 2020 (English)
- UN - Covid-19 MEDEVAC FAQ - July 2020 (English)
- CERF IOM NGO - Covid-10 allocation - Q&A - 15 June 2020 (English)
- WFP - Weekly Covid-19 Security update - 11 June 2020 (English)