PSEA Fund deliverables
19 December, 2021

International Humanitarian Relief (IHR), Syria

Subject / PSEA fund deliverable /
IHR image

IHR organized 40 awareness-raising sessions with 370 persons which focused on clarifying different types of SEA, giving information on available reporting channels and discussing barriers to reporting. An awareness-raising campaign “together against PSEA” was set up, through which 5000 notebooks, pens and 10,000 leaflests were distributed to 23291 IDPs living in Idib and Aleppo. The NGO established 20 focus group discussions with 128 persons (94 women and 34 men) from both IDP and host communities where the participants were able to discuss challenges to access humanitarian aid, communication channels between humanitarian workers and beneficiaries and to which extent the beneficiaries trust the existing complaint and feedback mechanisms.

Resources shared include:

  • awareness raising session in Arabic with IDPs, women, men and host communities. Powerpoint
  • Leaflet and poster – messages
  • leaflets
  • pens
  • Focus Group discussions in Arabic with IDPs, women, men and host communities to discuss challenges