Mawk Kon Local Development Organization, Myanmar
Mawk Kon LDO implemented PSEA activities in 15 villages of Kart Htike and Mong Lat village tracks in Keng Tung Township, with 2474 women 2075 men by developing IEC materials including a short video, pamphlets and posters in Lahu, Shan and Myanmar. The IEC materials and PSEA key messages were developed in consultation with 40 community members through 4 half-day Focus Group Discussions with youth leader groups, village, religious and women leaders and community focal points. The organisation also held 3 two-day Training of Trainers focusing on raising awareness on PSEA for 48 staff, community leaders and community focal persons. A complaint and feedback mechanism (CFM) was established to address PSEA. In furtherance of this, Mawk Kon LDO conducted 2 stakeholder meetings with 32 persons coming from humanitarian organizations, including local NGOs and faith-based organisations, and the community, both leaders and members, to develop CFM in community and to identify community CFM focal points for each village.
Resources shared include:
- a pamphlet in Lahu, Shan, Burmese and Akha for affected communities, women and men, which explains what constitutes PSEA and informs about available reporting channels.
- a video in Burmese to raise awareness on PSEA, targeting affected communities, women and men. Script available in Burmese and English
- Focus Group Discussions with members of the community, men, women and religious, women, youth and community leaders. Concept note, questionnaire and report in English and Burmese.
- Training of Trainers focusing on raising awareness on PSEA with staff, community leaders and community focal persons. The organization developed multiple documents for the training: a concept note, two presentations and a report, in Burmese and in English
PSEA workshops and stakeholder meetings with humanitarian actors, including local NGOs and faith-based organizations, and the community, both leaders and members, to develop a complaint and feedback mechanism (CFM) and to identify community CFM focal points for each village. The organization developed a concept, a report and a presentation in English and Burmese
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - Burmese- PDF (Burmese)
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - Lahu- PDF (Lahu)
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - Akha- PDF (Akha)
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - shan- PDF (Shan)
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - Akha- editable- word document (Akha)
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - Lahu- editable- word document (Lahu)
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - Burmese- editable- word document (Burmese)
- Pamphlet - PSEA local complaint mechanism - Shan- editable- word document (Shan)
- Poster - IASC PSEA 6 core principles- Lahu - PDF (Lahu)
- Poster - IASC PSEA 6 core principles- Lahu - editable- Powerpoint (Lahu)
- Poster - IASC PSEA 6 core principles- Burmese - PDF (Burmese)
- Poster - IASC PSEA 6 core principles- Burmese - editable- Powerpoint (Burmese)
- Video - no sex assault - script - word document (English)
- Video - no sex assault - script - word document (Burmese)
- Focus group discussion - Report - word document (English)
- Focus group discussion - Concept Note - word document (English)
- Focus group discussion - Questionnaire- word document (English)
- Train the Trainer PSEA- Concept note- word document (English)
- Train the Trainer PSEA- Presentation Day 1- Powerpoint (Burmese)
- Train the Trainer PSEA- Presentation Day 2- Powerpoint (Burmese)
- Train the Trainer PSEA- Report- word document (English)
- PSEA Workshop_Presentation- Powerpoint (Burmese)
- PSEA Workshop_Concept Note- word document (English)
- PSEA Workshop_Report- word document (English)