NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Phase 1 Newsletter March 2010PARTICIPATION OF NGOS IN CLUSTER CO-LEADERSHIP AT COUNTRY LEVEL: A BRIEFING NOTE FOR THE MONTREUX DONORS’ RETREATBackground Documents – Montreux Retreat on the Consolidated Appeal Process and Humanitarian Financing MechanismsBriefing Note – The NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project Participation of NGOs in Cluster Co-Leadership at Country Level – Montreux Donors’ Retreat March 2010The participation of NGOs in Cluster Co-Leadership at Country Level: a Review of ExperienceCall for Papers – MERCY Malaysia International Humanitarian Conference 2009 Pre-Conference WorkshopConference Report – International Rescue Committee The NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project Strengthening Partnership for Effective Humanitarian ResponseBrochure – Church World Service Pakistan Afghanistan Sphere Training of TrainersConcept Note – UNHCR Side Event to the 60th Session of the Executive Committee Why Environment Matters in Displacement – ‘Voices from the Field’Concept Note – UNHCR Side Event to the 60th Session of the Executive Committee Alternatives to the Detention of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees