Chart – UNHCR Independent Audit Advisory Committees Established in the United Nations SystemUNHCR High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection 2010- Protection Gaps and ResourcesAgenda – OCHA Consultative Group on the Use of MCDA Annual Meeting 2010Document – OCHA Consultative Group on the Use of MCDA Annual Meeting 2010 Humanitarian Policy Group Review on Military Engagement in Humanitarian ActionDocument – OCHA Inter-Agency Real Time Evaluation Support Group Procedures and MethodologiesAgendas – UNHCR Annual Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations 2010Page – Global Protection Cluster Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons Part VI Attitudes and Skills OverviewChapters – Global Protection Cluster Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced PersonsConsolidated Comments – OCHA Evaluation and Guidance Section ‘Zero Draft’ of the Synthesis Report of the Cluster Approach Evaluation Phase IIAnnotated Draft Agenda – OCHA Montreux X Retreat on the Consolidated Appeal Process and Humanitarian Financing Mechanisms