Agenda – OCHA Consultative Group on the Use of MCDA Annual Meeting 2011Document – OCHA Consultative Group on the Use of MCDA Annual Meeting 2011 Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets (MCDA) – What is Last ResortDocument – OCHA Consultative Group on the Use of MCDA Annual Meeting 2011 24-7 MCDA Requesting MechanismConcept Note – OCHA Ministerial Mini-Summit Humanitarian Response to the Horn of AfricaChairperson’s Summary and Recommendations – Food and Agriculture Organization Emergency in the Horn of Africa Follow-Up and Response ActionsConcept Note – OCHA Campaign for the Horn of Africa DroughtAgenda – UNHCR Annual Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations 2011Cover Page – UNHCR Division of International Protection A Thematic Compilation of Executive Committee ConclusionsConsolidated Annual Financial Report – United Nations Development Programme Common Humanitarian Fund for Central African RepublicDocument – UNHCR Intergovernmental Event at Ministerial Level of Member States of the UN on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and of the 50th Anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness Possible Themes for a Ministerial Communiqué