Action Sheets – Global Protection Cluster Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced PersonsPage – Global Protection Cluster Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons Part VI Attitudes and Skills OverviewBasic Information Leaflet Series- Principles of PartnershipAction Plan – The NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project Action Suggestions for NGOsChapters – Global Protection Cluster Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced PersonsConsolidated Comments – OCHA Evaluation and Guidance Section ‘Zero Draft’ of the Synthesis Report of the Cluster Approach Evaluation Phase IIBriefing Note – The NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project Participation of NGOs in Cluster Co-Leadership at Country Level – Montreux Donors’ Retreat March 2010GHP Meeting Strengthening Partnership for Effective Humanitarian ActionCase Studies – ICVA Strength in Numbers – A Review of NGO Coordination in the FieldUNHCR High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges 2009