Cover Letter – OCHA Indonesia Principles of Partnership – Working Better to Enhance Humanitarian Response Discussion PaperCommunication – Commission of the European Communities Towards a European Consensus on Humanitarian AidBriefing Paper – Feinstein International Center Humanitarian Agenda 2015 Iraq Country Study Taking Sides or Saving Lives – Existential Choices for the Humanitarian Enterprise in IraqAnnexes – UNHCR Community-Based Approach in UNHCR Operations Provisional ReleaseBriefing Note – UN-HABITAT Role, Responsibilities and Activities in the Humanitarian SectorBriefing Paper – Oxfam The UN Central Emergency Response Fund One Year OnDocument – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Humanitarian Aid in Development Assistance Committee Peer Reviews A Synthesis of Findings and Experiences 2004-052007 GHP working group minutesPrinciples of Partnership: Working Better to Enhance Humanitarian ResponseBriefing Paper – Feinstein International Center Humanitarian Agenda 2015 Coming to Terms with the Humanitarian Imperative in Iraq