Advocacy Report – Jesuit Refugee Service Six Months after the Official Closure of the IDP Camps – JRS Assessment of the IDP Return Process in Liberia2006 GHP working group minutesReport – NGO Impact Initiative – An Assessment by the International Humanitarian NGO CommunityBackground Information – Enhancing the Effectiveness of Humanitarian Action A Dialogue between UN and Non-UN Humanitarian Organizations Participating Organizations and their RepresentativesBackground Paper – Inter-Agency Standing Committee Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery Clarification, Challenges and Report Back CWGER Workshop 8-9 June 2006Document – Inter-Agency Standing Committee Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery Implementing Early RecoveryBREAKING THE CODE: Building Capacity to Investigate Sexual Abuse and Exploitation by Humanitarian WorkersBriefing Paper – Feinstein International Center Humanitarian Agenda 2015 Afghanistan Country StudyDocument – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Humanitarian Aid in Development Assistance Committee Peer Reviews A Compilation of Coverage 2004-05Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Kit