Guidance Note on National Reference Groups2022 Meeting Notes: Forced Migration Working Group2022 UNHCR-NGO Global Consultations

UNHCR Partnership and Coordination Service (PCS) and the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) are pleased to inform you that the 2022 UNHCR-NGO Global Consultations will take place in Geneva and virtually on 7 to 10 June.

Building on the 2021 Regional Consultations with NGOs, which led to seven context-specific discussions around “Localization of humanitarian action and engagement with communities in the COVID-19 context”, the 2021 Monthly online Consultations and the launch of the UNHCR Strategic Framework for Climate Action, the 2022 Global Consultations will focus on “Localization and Climate Action”.

Checklist – Integrated-Risk-Management-PolicyAsia-Pacific Humanitarian Partnership Week 2022

The 2022 Humanitarian Partnership week will be held virtually on 31 January to 4 February 2022. It will be hosted by ICVA, UN OCHA and ADRRN. The theme is building a more inclusive humanitarian ecosystem.

Call for Registration and Contributors for the 2022 Asia-Pacific Humanitarian Partnership WeekFinancial Literacy Training In Uganda’s Refugee Response – A Learning BriefIASC Guidance Understanding and Addressing Bureaucratic and Administrative Impediments to Humanitarian ActionThe Nexus collection: A podcast series for humanitariansNGO statement delivered at the High-Level Official Meeting