Document – International Committee of the Red Cross Professional Standards for Protection Work Carried Out by Humanitarian and Human Rights Actors in Armed Conflict and other Situations of ViolenceBackground Note – Overseas Development Institute Strengthening Humanitarian Networks – Applying the Network Functions ApproachDocument – OCHA Country Level Minimum Common Operational DatasetsPrinciples of PartnershipAnnotations – International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Draft Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery AssistanceOther Related PoP MaterialsAnnexes – UNHCR Community-Based Approach in UNHCR Operations Provisional ReleaseDocument – The Brookings Institution University of Bern When Displacement Ends – A Framework for Durable SolutionsBriefing Paper – Oxfam The UN Central Emergency Response Fund One Year OnPrinciples of Partnership: Working Better to Enhance Humanitarian Response