Hidden Hurdles: Unravelling The Complex, Cumulative Effects of Bureaucratic & Administrative Impediments on Crisis-Affected Populations and Humanitarian ResponseGlobal Refugee Forum – Outcomes for the Asia-Pacific RegionFunding Well – A Path towards Values-aligned, Trust-Based SolidarityRegional Dialogue Report – “Leaving no one behind – exploring the NEXUS approach in Yemen”Final Report – 2023 UNHCR Regional Consultations with NGOs in Asia and the PacificInteragency PSEA Community Outreach and Communication Fund -2023 Project SummariesProgress towards the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action: An ICVA PerspectiveICVA Membership Day 2023 SummaryA Humanitarian Localization Baseline for UkraineInteragency PSEA Community Outreach and Communication Fund -2022 Project Summaries
Our Mission Statement
ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organisations whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice.
International Council of Voluntary Agencies
NGO Humanitarian Hub,
La Voie-Creuse 16, 1202, Geneva, Switzerland
Email: secretariat@icvanetwork.org
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